Job Hunting During a Pandemic

Heidi Roth
4 min readDec 17, 2020

If you are risk-averse, introverted, mildly reserved, or even slightly insecure, I advise against leaving your job and looking for work in the middle of a pandemic. But that’s exactly what I did, so I guess I should say I am none of those things, even though I’ve felt the cold slap of rejection every day for the past two months.

I am bequeathed daily with many opportunities to feel humble, patient, present, and oh-so-vulnerable. And I can’t dislike feeling vulnerable since Brené Brown’s Netflix special admonished me to embrace that suck. I have The Call to Courage on repeat, folks. (No, but seriously, go watch it if you’re the one person left on earth who hasn’t. I’ll wait.)

Yes, I am still homeless (Jen hasn’t kicked me to the curb yet) and unemployed. I have applied for 65 jobs in the past 60 days. I have received 15 formal rejections (all kind and cordial), have made it to round two of ONE interview (then crickets) and been ghosted by several promising leads. And yet I’m not quite ready to throw myself off a cliff or put in an application at Dollar General.

And they’re hiring.

Is it possible I’m not as amazing as I think I am?

Calm down — I’ve admitted countless times to myself and others that everyone is replaceable. A highly skilled orangutan could probably bring what I’ve got to the table. But there have been times, in the past 60 days, when I’ve questioned whether or not I actually have the right stuff.

Did I spread myself too thin at my previous job and become the dreaded Jack of all trades, master of none?

Am I not active enough on LinkedIn? Am I too active (in my case, doubtful!)?

Am I not representing the experience I bring to the table in a meaningful or memorable way?

It’s good to have these thoughts from time to time. It helps us with the being humble part. It also reminds us that yes, there is room for improvement. But while I’m certain I was not the right fit for all of those 65 jobs I’ve applied to, you can bet your SWEET BIPPY I’ll be an amazing addition to a team of kickass creatives in some organization that is going to be tickled pink to have me join them in taking over the world.

Because that’s what I’m looking for: an opportunity to join forces with people who produce work that really matters, whose vision and mission align with mine*.

So when a rejection comes in, I remember a good friend reminding me, “It only takes ONE yes.” And when I’m tempted to accept a job that doesn’t tic all my boxes, I recall the recent admonishment of another good friend: “You’ll find something — just don’t settle. You’ve waited too long to do that.” Both of those friends live under the same roof, wouldn’t you know it, and as they’re both incredibly kind and smart (you know who you are), I’m inclined to believve them, and so I’m post-it note-ing that shit in as many places around the house as Jen will let me.

I’m here, in the fog-laced forest, perhaps not as visible as I should be. I’ll just have to shine brighter — keep polishing my optimism and hope until they just can’t look away.

You’re out there, dream job … I just know it. Some lucky company is going to get all of my love.

*Anyone who knows me knows the company I used to work for. In no way am I saying that they did not produce work that matters or that their vision did not align with mine — I just wanted to move closer to family and start something new. I championed their brand for over 24 years and will always support their continued success in the industry.



Heidi Roth

I’m a visual storyteller. I'm into design, marketing, and photography. I have an insane amount of cookbooks and two Italian Greyhounds/recipe-tasters.